
Super Size Me

Why are Americans so fat? Find out in Super Size Me, a tongue in-cheek - and burger in hand -- look at the legal, financial and physical costs of America's hunger for fast food.

Roadside Attractions
Samuel Goldwyn Company, and
The Con present
A film by Director Morgan Spurlock

Don Gorske: Mac Daddy

Why is Don Gorske so thin? Find out in this very cool follow up short film to Super Size Me.

Executive Producer: Morgan Spurlock
Producer: Dave Pederson
Director: Jennifer Sheppard

Music by Steve Horowitz
Lyrics by Fluffy Schwartz
Recorded & produced at The Manhattan Producer's Alliance



Rich Cohen has produced Hollywood special effects for a number of years. He has now started his own production company, storystreet. Their first effort is the stunning short science fiction film OVERDUE.

J. Doe

Interactive cinema turns noir in J.DOE: An Interactive Film. Written, directed and produced by Muller Studio.

Film Suite

A collection of themes from various productions.